Here is what happened. 這是我在去年四月裡某一天的經歷.
我上網到十二點多要上床時已經好累了,連臉都沒洗就準備睡覺。我將奧修的mp3撥放出來,他剛好在講關於開悟的事,我想是'Yahoo! The Mystic Rose'這個系列中的一段。其中一位門徒問他「我何時會開悟?」跟我在一月時含著淚問巴關的問題一模一樣。
「我」 變成觀照。它是自動發生的。在那狀態下我就了解為何巴關說覺醒後就沒有個人的痛苦。因為每一件事都只是發生在週邊而已。
所以下次如果妳在街上看到一個穿著睡衣像遊民的人....Who knows? 也許那人開悟了!
On monday night I was happy to be back in my own apartment after spending a week in my dad's. But I was on the computer till midnight and was too tired to even wash my face before bed. I played Osho's discourse on my mp3 player, he happened to be talking about enlightenment. actually the question was "when will i get enlightened" by a sannyas, and it was almost the same question i asked Bhagavan in Jan.
I was folding my clothes and I heard "no technique can bring you enlightenment". I started to listen. Then I heard something about "time", and "you cannot BECOME enlightened....", then he said "You are enlightened right this moment!"
When I heard that my mind suddently stood still. It was like somebody hit the "pause" button. I didn't disagree, nor did I agree. It was just blank and not moving.
My heart was still. then I didn't know what he was saying, although I was aware he told some jokes cause the audience was laughing.
I was just witnessing, it was automatic and at that moment i knew in this state there is no personal problem. Things are just happening on the periphery.
It was just like that, no elec. shock, no energy moving, no tears, no big emotional moments, it was just a realization (which is totally different than how i used to imagine it)
In that moment or later i also knew that enlightenment has nothing to do with health conditions, personal hygeine, morals, or any special lifestyle. It has nothing to do with channeling either.
i also felt that now "enlightenment" has no more special meaning or status for me. It is no longer something so high or far away, or even something so "great" that is reserved for special people.